Transform the way you deal with your emotions AND the emotions of those around you so you can finally find peace and happiness.
If you do not master the keys to your emotional health, life becomes much harder than it has to be.
Let’s face it. Dealing with your own emotions is hard. Dealing with the emotions of others can be harder. The good news is that the more you understand what emotions are and how they work, the easier it becomes to deal with BOTH your emotions and the emotions of others. That is exactly what we show you how to do in “The Assertiveness Solution: Overcoming Difficult Emotions”.
I have spent over 13 years helping my clients through the most stressful and difficult times of their lives. What I have noticed is that the first instinct for most of us is to run from our emotions instead of understanding them. We just want them to go away. Because of these societal norms we are often:
- discouraged from acknowledging our full realm of emotions. Instead of accepting that we have complex feelings—both positive and negative—we’re encouraged to sweep them under the rug and ignore them in order to "keep the peace.".
- Because of this, we have a poor understanding of our emotions and how they work. Instead of learning how to deal with them, we feel ashamed when we get upset, stressed, anxious or angry, and we often deal with it by ignoring that there’s a problem...until it's too late.
- And to make matters worse, society has given what we call "negative emotions" which can consist of anger, stress, fear and anxiety a bad name. We treat our emotions as something that should be avoided instead of discussed openly and learned from. The biggest problem with that is that the more we negate our emotions and hope they go away, the bigger and more problematic they become. This keeps us locked in a destructive emotional cycle.
- No wonder nothing ever feels as if it’s getting better.
Let’s face it: talking about negative emotions is HARD!
And so most of the time, we simply don’t. That is why I want to give you a deeper understanding of your emotions—and how to stop them from controlling you—which is nearly impossible if you don’t even know how these emotions work.
When you truly understand your emotions, you can . . .
- Understand the difference between your emotions and behaviors as well as Identify your triggers, so you can make “conscious” choices instead of having your emotions and behaviors spiral out of control and take over.
- Understand your emotions and how all of your emotions work together, so you can use them in a healthy way.
- Discover how to diffuse tense situations so you can work through them calmly and rationally.
- Learn about yourself, so you can create a stronger and happier you than ever before.
Your mind is your servant, not your master. You have the power to control your feelings and create the life you want
My clients usually tell me that I am their last stop. They have seen umpteen other therapists and nothing works. They don’t use the tools and strategies they have been given because they simply don’t make sense and they don’t understand how and why they would work. They have never been given a clear understanding of what their emotions are and how they work so they give up. That is why I have spent the last decade making sense of things that haven’t made sense. I have also tested all of these tools and strategies out on myself so that I KNOW they WORK! That is why it has been so important for me to make this knowledge affordable and accessible.
The Assertiveness Solution: Overcoming Difficult Emotions gives you all the tools you need to understand, control, and own your emotions.
Learn how to use your emotions, not as something you should run from, but as an empowering tool to help guide you through life. We experience our emotions for a reason. They are not going away. It is time to stop fighting with them and start understanding them. When properly understood and utilized, emotions can result in many positive changes. The Assertiveness Solution: Overcoming Difficult Emotions teaches you how.

Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn in The Assertiveness Solution: Overcoming Difficult Emotions . . .
What do anger, stress, fear and anxiety have in common?
Once you understand this, you will also understand why when you get angry, you say things you often regret, why when you get anxious your thoughts spin out of control, why you don’t always understand your fears and why stress can make all of these emotions worse and spin out of control.
Why do some people get more upset than others?
Learn about the adrenaline spectrum and how to identify where you fall on it. Once you identify where you are on this spectrum, we will then give you concrete strategies to work through and all of that “emotional angst” will start making sense.
How can you use healthy emotional outlets to manage your emotions?
Although we hear about emotional outlets a lot, it became clear to me as I was training other therapists that their clients were not getting appropriate results because there was a big misunderstanding when it came to emotional outlets. Two things have to be present in a healthy emotional outlet in order for them to be effective in reducing difficult emotions. Clients were only being given half the strategy. Here, we only give you whole strategies.
How can I learn how to relax?
Breathing and relaxation strategies become extremely important to manage difficult emotions. The problem is that if they are not being used properly, they can make things worse! In this program I go over theses strategies and explain how if not used properly, they can perpetuate a state of difficult emotions instead of reducing them so that you can be sure you are using them right.
When you learn how to accept and embrace your unlovable emotions, you can use them as an agent for positive change, rather than something that hurts yourself and others.
The Assertiveness Solution: Overcoming Difficult Emotions consists of 20 brief, easy-to-digest lessons that explore our difficult emotions from a variety of angles.
You’ll learn how to manage your emotions with a variety of strategies that you can use immediately.
Each lesson concludes with interactive assignments that you can start doing right away.
They’ll help you put into practice everything that you learn in the lessons.
Hi. I’m Jessica Ehrenworth, M.A., a registered psychotherapist, counsellor, and consultant. I am committed to helping people overcome their anger and reduce conflict so they can live as peacefully as possible.
For over a decade, I co-founded and ran The Centre for Health and Anger Resolution, in which I worked with men, women, couples, and individuals to get past the stigma of anger and learn how to experience and express their emotions in healthy ways.
I have created programs for individuals and organizations, such as The Anger Resolution Program of Ontario (TARPO™) and The Awareness through Conscious Emotions (ACE™) programs.
Now, I would love to help you, too.
I have successfully helped clients deal with issues such as marital family conflicts, parenting, anxiety, stress, pain, and depression, in addition to anger management. It is always my top priority to create programs that are insightful and empowering—ones that provide specific strategies, tools, and techniques that are actionable and easy to implement in your daily life.
It’s not enough to gain knowledge and insight: it’s what you do with this knowledge and insight that matters most.
- Ketan![]()
These videos have been a huge eye opener for me!! Thank You!!
- Tricia![]()
I just want to say that you have been a godsend for me. Even though it has only been a short while, I am overwhelmed by the transformation I am feeling already thanks to your user friendly online resources.
- Amy![]()
Your information is great! Thank you so much.
People need this information so badly. I need it. The world needs it.
I love your ideas, your work & your valuable information. This will help people heal. You are doing such a great thing. Blessings
If we don’t learn to overcome those difficult emotions, it can be damaging to our lives, our families, and our work.

"The Assertiveness Solution: Overcoming Difficult Emotions" is perfect for you if:
- You want to deeply understand and interact with your emotions, instead of being scared of the next emotional surge and/or just pretending they don’t exist.
- You are ready to learn effective, real-life techniques for controlling those unlovable emotions.
- You’re interested not just in knowing how to overcome your difficult emotions, but in learning why they happen in the first place.
- Your emotions are affecting your relationships with others and with yourself and/or you are strongly affected by the emotions of someone else.
- You’ve sought help elsewhere, but haven’t been met with success.
By the end of "The Assertiveness Solution: Overcoming Difficult Emotions", you will:
- Arrive at a thorough and complete understanding of how your emotions work in the body.
- Know the difference between the front brain and the back brain, and how each affects how you deal with your emotions.
- Recognize that emotions are not bad, and can actually bring good things into your life.
- Learn a variety of actionable techniques for working with your emotions.
- Discover how to use assertive behaviour, helping you negotiate with others calmly while respecting both them and yourself.
- Use your emotions as a guide-map and an agent for positive change, so you can be the best version of yourself that you can be.
Any questions? Send them to me at I’m happy to connect!