Video 1 - Emotion or Behaviour

Although emotions and behaviours are commonly seen as the same, this is a misconception!

As you will soon see, they’re very different things and lead to different consequences. Everything starts to become much easier when we start to be able to identify the difference between emotions and behaviours.

Here is my task for you: explore the concepts taught in the video and start noticing the differences between your own emotions and your behaviour.

Video 2 - What is Anger?

In this video,  I will explain to you:

  • Our two different types of emotions (Yup, that's right we only have two, emotional health really doesn't have to be so complicated)
  • What our hyperarousal emotions are and how they work
  • Why we tend to yell, scream and shout when we get upset
  • Why we tend to say things we don't mean when we get upset
  • Why we often feel out of control when our emotions take over
  • How Anger differs from every other emotion

Video 3 - What do I do?

So now that we know and understand what the hyper-arousal process looks like and how it both helps and hinders us, the most logical thing to do is to learn how to calm down that arousal response. How is this done?

Drum Roll Please.........

Breathing... the proper way - and don't roll your eyes because I know you want to. LOL

Really, everyone talks about breathing these days, but I've learned that very few people do it properly.

Let's find out if you are one of the few doing it the "right" way.

Video 4 - The Anger Spectrum

The last video answers the question I am asked the most. I WISH someone had taught me all this stuff when I started my own emotional care journey.

What you don't know about me is that I used to avoid my emotions at all costs, especially the difficult ones.

Boy, was that a bad idea and this video will tell you why.

If you have enjoyed these videos then the wait is over...

...don't delay, get the complete program now! The full program is filled with over twenty tools and strategies that you can start using immediately to overcome your difficult emotions. Come check it out!

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